When you visit the Museum you will be greeted by our security personnel who will ask you to empty your pockets and walk through the metal detector. Average size and smaller handbags will be x-rayed and diaper bags will be hand-checked. Handbags larger than 14" wide x 12" high x 6" wide, briefcases, backpacks, large camera bags and suitcases will not be allowed in the Museum.
Other prohibited items include:
Please leave these items in your vehicle to avoid any inconvenience to yourself. If you bring them into the Museum you will be required to either dispose of the item or return it to your vehicle. Museum personnel are not permitted to store items for visitors. |
Lost and Found
If after your visit to the Museum, you determine that you have lost a personal item while here, send an e-mail to Visitor Services Chief Scott Gardiner, [email protected], with a description of the item. Items found at the Museum and its grounds are cataloged by the security team and placed in secure storage for 30 days. If unclaimed, the items are disposed of appropriately.
If after your visit to the Museum, you determine that you have lost a personal item while here, send an e-mail to Visitor Services Chief Scott Gardiner, [email protected], with a description of the item. Items found at the Museum and its grounds are cataloged by the security team and placed in secure storage for 30 days. If unclaimed, the items are disposed of appropriately.
We are always happy to hear from you Get in touch
National Museum of the Marine Corps
1775 Semper Fidelis Way Triangle, VA 22172 Toll Free: 1.877.653.1775 |
Copyright 2021. Admission to the National Museum of the Marine Corps is FREE. Hours are 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM every day except Thanksgiving and Christmas Day.